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Medway River Lit  - Rippling Out Project 2025

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Poetry Tip for Beginners Start simple—choose one image or idea and describe it using your senses. Think about how it looks, feels, or sounds, and write freely without worrying about rhyme or structure. Let your emotions guide the words, and you’ll find the poem takes shape naturally!

Haiku 1: Global Warming

Rising tides whisper,
Glaciers weep into the seas,
Earth's pulse beats warmer.

Sonnet 2: Recycling

Within the cast-off things we thought to waste,
Lies hidden worth, a chance to start anew.
A bottle's shards, reshaped with careful haste,
Become a gleaming pane the sunlight through.

The paper crumpled, tossed without a thought,
Can hold fresh words or wrap tomorrow's gift.
The metals, once from deep within Earth brought,
Return, reborn, with value none can lift.

Recycling spins the circle back to whole,
Transforming scraps into a brighter fate.
It speaks of care, a mindfulness of soul,
A choice to mend, not mindlessly create.

So let us treasure all we can restore,
And leave the Earth more whole than once before.

Rhyming  3: Plastic Waste

Beneath the waves, where life once thrived,
A plastic plague has now arrived.
Bottles float where fish should play,
Our carelessness on full display.

The sands are strewn with tangled nets,
A grim reminder of our debts.
From mountain peaks to ocean floor,
The plastic grows, and still there's more.

But hope is there, if we take heed,
Reduce, reuse\u2014a simple creed.
Let’s turn the tide, the damage trace,
And free the world from plastic's place.

Monologue 4: Sustainability

You tread upon my soil, my skin,
Each step is a mark, without, within.
The rivers run, the forests sigh,
Yet I still watch, as seasons fly.

Your lights burn bright, your engines hum,
My skies grow dark, my waters numb.
I give you all—a home, a start,
Yet feel the strain within my heart.

But listen close, a truth I share:
Restore, renew, begin to care.
For every tree, for every stream,
Can still rebuild the wildest dream.

The ecosystem hums its tune,
A fragile dance beneath the moon.
Work with me now, and we’ll sustain,
A balanced world through sun and rain.

Found 5: Freestyle

Found poetry is created by taking existing texts,

such as newspaper articles or advertisements,

and rearranging them to create a new poem.

Michi Masumi Photographs for MRL Phoetry Marketing - 06012025 (17)
Michi Masumi Photographs for MRL Phoetry Marketing - 06012025 (18)
Michi Masumi Photographs for MRL Phoetry Marketing - 06012025 (15)
Michi Masumi Photographs for MRL Phoetry Marketing - 06012025 (8)
Michi Masumi Photographs for MRL Phoetry Marketing - 06012025 (3)
Michi Masumi Photographs for MRL Phoetry Marketing - 06012025 (9)
Michi Masumi Photographs for MRL Phoetry Marketing - 06012025 (6)
Photo Credits: Michi Masumi 

Street photography with your smartphone is fun and accessible! Use your phone's gridlines for balanced shots and try experimenting with angles and light, like capturing reflections in puddles or shadows during golden hour. Don’t forget to tap your screen to focus and adjust brightness before taking the shot. In the UK, you can legally take photos in public spaces, but always respect people’s privacy and avoid photographing on private property without permission. For added creativity, try editing your photos with mobile apps like Snapseed or Lightroom to enhance colours and details.

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